Sunrise Kiwi is owned and operated by Jasbir Kullar. Jasbir migrated to the United States of America during the mid 1970's and spent most of his first 15 years in the US as a migrant farm worker before settling in Northern California. In 1990, he leased an abandoned 4 acre kiwifruit vineyard in Sutter County and quickly developed a passion for the fruit.
Sunrise Kiwi由Jasbir Kullar拥有和经营。Jasbir于20世纪70年代中期移居美国,在定居北加利福尼亚之前,他在美国的前15年大部分时间都是移民农场工人。1990年,他在萨特县租了一个废弃的4英亩猕猴桃葡萄园,很快就对猕猴桃产生了兴趣。
In 1999, Jasbir decided to take on his own packing and cold storage operation, forming Sunrise Kiwi Packing. Today, Sunrise Kiwi Packing is one of the largest kiwifruit handlers in Northern California and Jasbir has become one of the largest growers in the state. In addition to kiwis, Jasbir has steadily diversified the family farm and also grows plums, fuyu persimmons, almonds, and english walnuts.
1999年,Jasbir决定承担自己的包装和冷藏业务,成立了Sunrise Kiwi包装公司。如今,Sunrise猕猴桃包装公司是北加利福尼亚州最大的猕猴桃加工商之一,Jasbir已成为该州最大的种植商之一。除猕猴桃外,Jasbir还稳步使家庭农场多样化,并种植李子、福尤柿子、杏仁和英国核桃。
While Jasbir handles most of the field operations (run through Kullar Farms), David Barry manages and oversees the packing operation. David has been with Sunrise Kiwi Packing since the beginning and has over 30 years of experience managing fresh fruit packing operations in the area. David's connection with kiwis dates back several decades as he was involved in one of the first commercial plantings in Northern California.
Jasbir负责大部分现场作业(在Kullar Farms进行),David Barry负责管理和监督包装作业。David从一开始就在Sunrise Kiwi Packing工作,拥有30多年管理该地区新鲜水果包装业务的经验。大卫与猕猴桃的关系可以追溯到几十年前,当时他参与了北加利福尼亚州第一批商业种植园之一。
▲redkiwifruit Orchard picking
As the family business has grown, Jasbir's son, Jatinder, has taken on a more active role in Kullar Farms and Sunrise Kiwi Packing. Jatinder, who was one of the orignial farmhands when his father started the family farm, has brought fresh ideas, energy, and a focus on diversification and food safety to the operation.
随着家族企业的发展,Jasbir的儿子Jatinder在Kullar Farms和Sunrise Kiwi Packing中扮演了更加积极的角色。贾廷德(Jatinder)在父亲创办家庭农场时是一名杰出的农场主,他为农场经营带来了新的理念、活力和对多样化和食品安全的关注。
▲Red heart kiwifruit seedling
